Самое очевидное иногда очень трудно заметить. Но ведь - да!
JAVERT: You are going to understand, Mr. Mayor. I've never liked you. Since I've been here, I've always seen you take sides with those who have done wrong—release those detained for debts, send help to those in prison, you give bail for the little vagabonds of the street, what do I know? Just now again with this woman! Mr. Mayor, goodness which consists of deciding in favor those who are low against those who are above them—that's a bad kind of goodness. You are good with that kind of goodness. As for me, I am just—I don't like you.

И следом (на мой взгляд, очень в тему): Жавер... Ему нравится Жан Вальжан... И эта симпатия раздражает Жавера...

Это я о чем? О том, что нахожу поддержку своего восприятия инспектора в совершенно независимых источниках.

Les Misérables by Victor Hugo Adapted by Charles Victor Hugo and Paul Meuricе (1863)

Les Miserables 1995 (Claude Lelouch)